The Subjugation

By snoopy in Stories on January 17, 2024

The Subjugation

Copyright  ©1988, 1993, 1999  by  snoopy

…sitting all alone on the hard rubber-covered floor in Your dark basement dungeon, i reflect upon the particular circumstances that brought me into Your possession. It seemed like a year had passed, but it was only a month.

Time seems to slow down when one looses control of one’s mind and body. i shifted my position on the floor trying to ease the pressure on my sore arse, but my restraints would not give me much latitude. There are steel cuffs around my wrists and ankles, which are bolted in place. A short chain connects my ankles together and another secures my wrists behind my back. A heavy iron collar circles my neck and locked to it is another chain, which is attached to a ring embedded in the floor. Next to the ring is a double dog food dish; the kind that is weighted so as not to move easily when large dogs eat. In one side of the dish there is some Alpo Friskies dry dog food and in the other water. This had been my only source of food since the period of my enslavement began. Out of my reach is the rest of the very well equipped dungeon where i have slowly been broken and trained for the pleasure of You, my Master.

It all seems so fuzzy now, the long sessions that are beginning to shape my mind and body, but i still remember being picked up by You at the local leather bar and brought to Your home with the promise of a hot night of rubber, bondage and sex. Little did i know that You were looking for a permanent slave and that i was chosen to be it. Once in Your house i was ordered to strip for inspection and i hurried to comply. You carefully inspected my whole body with Your hands, paying extra attention when checking the contours or my arse, the tightness of my anus, and the weight of my cock and balls. As your hands travelled over my smooth lithe swimmers’ build, my long, thick and uncut cock began to stiffen and rise in response to the pleasurable sensations, which did not go unnoticed by You. Once satisfied, and without uttering a word, You placed a thick rubber collar around my neck and handcuffed my hands behind my back. A leash was attached to the collar and You led me to Your dungeon. Once i entered there, time ended for me.

Quickly, the handcuffs were removed and i was spread eagle between two whipping posts and bound with a strong braided rope. You placed a 5-litre bucket of water on the floor between my legs, followed by a sponge, towel, electric clippers, straight razor and shaving cream. Beginning with the clippers You began to remove all of the long hairs from my body from the neck down. Being relatively hairless, this was accomplished in short order. You then lathered up my body with a liberal amount of the shaving cream and shaved every inch: chest, arms, legs, crotch, and arse. Shaving scenes have always excited me, so i relaxed into the gentle caress of the razor. This procedure was followed by the careful scrutiny of Your hands and reapplication of the straight razor to ensure that not a hair could be felt anywhere. Once You were pleased with the results of Your handy work, You released my arms and legs, and after forcing me to my knees, retied my hands behind my back at the wrists and elbows. i disregarded the strain that had just been placed upon my shoulders, as a stray piece of rope at my wrists was wound and securely tightened around my balls stretching them into the crack of my arse. Without a word, You again picked up the clippers and approached me from behind. i heard the buzz of the clippers and felt it move across the back of my neck and up across the top of my head. i began to protest and pull away, causing a sharp pain in my balls, which were now crushed between the cheeks of my buttocks, but You just gagged me with a rag and held me tightly in place, as You reduced my hair to a short stubble. With each pass of the clippers over my scalp, the vibrations sent a cold shudder throughout my body, and tears down my face. This procedure was followed by more lather and the razor. Under Your skilled hands my whole head, including face and eyebrows, were in a very short time made as smooth as a Q-ball! When You finished Your work and removed the gag, i again tried to protest this unwelcome alteration to my body, but You just gave me a hard slap across the face and sent me sprawling across the floor. The sting of the slap was nothing compared to the agony that now came from my stretched and crushed testicles. While i lay there sobbing, You stated in a cold, harsh, and slightly annoyed voice, that from here on i was Your slave and personal property, and that Your dungeon was to be my new home. I was never again to leave a free man nor would i be permitted any sort of free will or thought. At that very moment my heart sank to the bottom of my stomach.

With powerful arms, You tossed me over your shoulder and held tightly onto my squirming body as You carried me across the dungeon. Unceremoniously, You dumped me onto a rubber covered operating table, released the ropes binding my arms and balls, and despite my pathetic struggles, secured me across the smooth surface with my arms stretched above my head. Heavy leather straps were bucked across my chest and abdomen, to further secure my body, and then my legs were spread, bent and placed in raised steel stirrups and strapped in place. Growing steadily annoyed with my crying and pathetic pleas to be released, You shoved a thick rubber penis shaped gag into my mouth and buckled it behind my head. i became suddenly silent and began to realise the futility and finality of my position.

You turned Your back to me and walked across to the far side of the dungeon, where i could hear You placing objects and supplies upon a steel tray. The fear of not knowing what was soon to happen, along with the knowledge that i would be unable to stop it, caused my body to tremble uncontrollably. When all of Your preparations were completed, You carried the tray of instruments, rubber tubes, and other apparatus over to the side of the table and placed it upon a nearby stand. Donning surgical latex gloves, You began probing my arse with greasy fingers and a speculum, and then shoved a long rubber tube up into my colon, followed by a shorter tube and a large butt plug. This last step was to ensure that whatever liquids You would shortly introduce into my arse did not come out without Your permission. i watched silently as You connected two very full black rubber enema bags to the tubes in my arse; the rubber of the bags was straining to hold their contents as beads of condensation worked their way down the smooth and slightly shiny exterior. my penis twitched and began to rise, betraying my fear. The flow was released with the removal of a couple of clamps, and i felt the warm pleasant surge of a liquid invade my guts both high and low. A wicked smile spread across Your face as You noticed my growing erection, but You said nothing.

After pausing to change Your soiled gloves for a fresh pair, You took hold of my now hard, throbbing cock and injected some lubricant into the piss-slit and down the length of my urethra. A cold sweat broke over my body as You began inserting a catheter down the length of my cock. The sensation of this foreign rubber tube moving in an unnatural direction into my body made me tense every muscle. Although it seemed like an eternity, the catheter finally found its course into my bladder and You then inflated the retention balloon on the end inside of me, so as to hold it firmly in place.

You again paused momentarily, this time to retrieve an intravenous bottle filled with a clear liquid from a nearby refrigerator, and then attached it to the end of my catheter. Turning the bottle upside down, You placed it in a holder attached to the side of my table, which immediately sent the cold contents flooding into my bladder, sending chills up my spine and throughout my now trembling body. With the completion of this task, You turned and left me to my agonies. As You departed through the heavy steel dungeon door, You made the casual observation that an hour or so would be sufficient to allow the enema and bladder irrigation do their intended job. Your statement was enough to cause me some concern, as my colon was already having to strain to accommodate the growing bulk, however it was your parting laugh that caused me to fear the most. i suspect there must have been some kind of drug in the enema and/or irrigation solutions, as not long after the liquids began invading my body, i lost most of my will to fight Your commands.

Time had ceased to be my companion, and was now my foe; i no longer could rely upon its regularity, as all reference points along its path were gone! i don’t know how long You were away, but when You returned for me, i saw though swollen eyes (i had been crying, trying to deal with the painful liquid bulk in my body) that you had changed Your motorcycle leathers for a skin tight black rubber body suit, hip-high fireman’s waders and elbow length rubber gauntlets. With muscles highly defined and bulging from within their shiny second skin, Your imposing image both excited and frightened me.

Without much ceremony, Your released me from the table and manoeuvred me over a seat-less toilet. The load in my guts felt like a giant fist as it churned with my movements.  The catheter and enema tubes were quickly removed with practised expertise, and i was ordered to empty my body. This was one order i definitely could not disobey, as a soapy fluid burst from my arse at the same time my bladder released itself in a great rush, not unlike a really intense orgasm, and had i not still been gagged, i would have screamed in relief. i could feel my face become red with the humiliation of being forced to do this task in front of You, although i’m sure You were enjoying my predicament from the obvious expression of Your face. Securing my collar with a short chain to a ring in the wall behind the toilet, which forced me to maintain a semi-reclining posture, You left me to drain while You went about making more preparations for my subjugation. i strained to see what You might have in store for me, but chained as i was, i could see nothing.

After giving my body sufficient time to void the liquids, You released me and led me back to the rubber covered surgical table so as to repeat the enemas four more times. You mentioned that i was to always be clean inside and out and ready for You to use whenever and wherever You wanted.

With then enemas finally finished, the rubber gag that had filled my mouth for the past few hours was removed along with the rubber collar. By now i knew better than to offer any protests, so i remained silent, resigned to my fate, such as it was. You directed me to an area in Your dungeon that contained a full shower room; i began to marvel at the sheer size of this place, in that it was completely self contained, and that i could conceivably remain here for the rest of my life without having to leave it for want of something; a sudden chill seized me as i realised the possible truth of this thought. Once in position in the centre of the shower room, You opened a large jar and began coating my entire body and head with its contents. You explained that the thick cream was actually a powerful depilatory agent that would destroy all of the hair follicles in my skin, thus preventing my hair from ever growing back. While i was rather smooth to begin with, tears began rolling down my face at the thought of forever being bald head-to-toe. Ignoring my feeble display of emotions, You said that You wanted my body completely hairless, so as to enhance feeling in my skin and also to ensure that nothing prevented You from total access to my flesh. You also went on to state that it would serve as a permanent reminder of my status as Your slave, since hair was a sign of manhood and forbidden to slaves. Finally tiring of my pathetic sobbing, You warned that if i didn’t stop, i would forfeit my testicles, and that that would be something real to cry over. Knowing that You may very well carry through with Your threat to castrate me, i immediately ceased.

By my reckoning, i remained standing motionless in the white tiled shower room for about an hour, in a spread-eagle stance as directed, while the cream coating me from head-to-toe burned my skin. You then turned on the cold water, the shock of which took my breathe from me, and scrubbed my flesh raw with a long handled brush. Through half closed eyes i could see the spray of the water bead upon your rubber covered body, and i don’t know what came over me, but at that moment, despite my agony, i became enamoured of the vision of my new Rubber Master. i knew i had to feel Your rubber next to me. Taking a risk at displeasing You, i sank to my knees and crawled over to where You stood and began shining Your boots with my tongue. Since there was no resistance or punishment meted out, i continued licking, savouring the rubber texture and taste in my mouth. You permitted me this honour for quite a while, but then i felt your gloved hand on the back of my neck, pulling me to my feet. i could see by the smirk on Your face, that You knew i would offer no further resistance to what You had planned for me. After i was suitably cleaned and dried off, by standing in front of a warm air stream, my skin was smooth, hairless, very red, extremely sensitive to the slightest touch, and ready to continue with my preparations.

Without much further ado, You dragged me back into the Dungeon’s main area, where a pile of shiny lifeless rubber awaited me, and then proceeded to coat my body with a liberal amount of a slick gel. This preparation was to ease my donning of a very thick, skin tight, black rubber suit, similar to the one You wore, however mine had boots and fingerless gloves attached, and sealed at the back. As i struggled to pull on the suit, the rubber moulded to the contours of my body from the neck down like a second skin, and the gel began to act like glue, pulling the suit even tighter against my smooth skin. Once zipped closed, the rubber was unbroken except for a hole in front to accommodate my cock and balls, and another in back for my anus. There were also what appeared to be hose coupling and electrical connection devices at key points on the suit. For fear of provoking Your wrath, i kept my questions to myself and remained silent; i knew it would not be long before i had all the answers anyway, whether i liked them or not!

You now bent my body so that my chest rested on the operating table, and taking a prepared colonic tube from a nearby tray, began inserting it deep into my bowel, which was followed by a large butt-plug-like device. i relaxed as quickly as possible when i saw the plug making its way towards its new home, my arse, but with such a girth, no amount of preparation would have spared me the impending pain. The insertion was done quickly, and since my arse was not so experienced at taking such an intrusion without registering incredible pain, i forced a scream from my throat that nearly choked me. my outburst was immediately met with a hard swat to my upturned rump and an order to be silent. While my sphincter continued to spasm in an attempt to deal with the plug, and with the aid of Your hand gripping the back of my neck, You marched me over to a heavy-looking steel chair in one corner of the room and forced me into the seat. While in transit to the chair, i could see that it was secured to the floor via four heavy bolts, two on each side of the base, and that there were steel gas cylinders on either side and a computerised console to the right with coils of tubing near by. Once seated, You bolted steel half-circle brackets to the arms and legs of the chair securing my limbs in place. Thick leather straps were then added across my thighs, biceps, abdomen, and chest. i was now quite secure, and apart from my head, quite immobile too.

i tested my bonds with a brief tug and pull, not because i wanted to get away, which i knew was impossible, but because i was beginning to become aroused from the tightness of the rubber covering my body and the gentle massage of the plug in my arse as it moved against my prostate. As though You sensed what i was doing, a knowing smile spread across Your face, followed by a gentle caress across my chest and rubber encased nipples with Your hand. As a moan escaped from my lips, You bent down and retrieved two hoses coiled near my left leg, and with a twist and a click, clipped them into the coupling devices in the end of the plug in my arse. One of these hoses was a high pressure water hose, which was attached to the colonic tube, and the other was for drainage. You again began playing with my nipples with one hand, while with the other hand You flipped a switch and opened a valve so as to flood my guts with a spray of warm water.

When i became accustomed to the constant pressure and flow of water across my prostate, i became aware that You had ceased playing with my nipples and were now working on encasing my cock and balls in rubber. You first placed a combination rubber ball stretcher, splitter and pouch around my balls, which transformed them into a big rubber covered mass between my immobilised legs. This was followed by a greased sheath that was slipped over my now throbbing cock and attached to the top of my ball pouch. Another tube connected the top of the sheath to a suction-pump machine, and with a flip of a switch, my cock swelled to twice its normal size from the pressure of the pumping.

Moving more quickly now, more hoses and wires came into view as You connected my suit to the computerised console and the gas cylinders standing silently behind my chair. i began to feel like a fly caught in a spiders web, only i was a rubberised fly restrained in a wire and hose web.

With my body now taken care of, You began to ensnare my head. First a tiny pair of ear-phones were placed deep into my ear canal, and then a boxer’s hard rubber tooth guard was pushed between my lips. The guard was specially modified with a hole through the front ending in another coupling device, and a wire tongue suppressor, which effectively immobilised my tongue and made speech all but impossible. With an evil grin, You applied more lubricant to my skin smooth head and then began, with great effort, to encase my head in a very thick tight rubber hood. i instinctively tensed my neck muscles as You used as much leverage as you could muster to pull the hood down and into position over the mouth tube, and since there were no eye holes, i was effectively plunged into complete darkness and silence too. The thickness of the rubber made the hood a very tight fit, which firmly squeezed my head and neck from every direction, while depriving me of all my senses. Further, the tightness of the hood also forced my jaw even harder into the tooth guard, restricting any motion or sounds. You next gripped the back of my head with one hand, and with the other i could feel You insert small tubes into my nostrils and feed them down the back of my oesophagus and into my stomach. i was fast reaching a state on near panic, however Your hand on the back of my head acted as a calming re-assurance that you knew what You were doing and that i should trust in You. It worked, because i didn’t give into my fears, but accepted the tubes as they found their course into my body. With the tubes secured in place, i could be force-fed upon Your demand. All of this was followed by a harness that was placed around my rubber encased head, and further attached via chains to the back of my chair; my head was now effectively immobilised along with the rest of my body!

A few short moments later, from within my dark and silent rubber prison, i was startled by a sudden click in my ears and then the sound of a firm, unemotional, and mechanical sounding voice coming through the ear-phones to invade my rubber cocooned head. It took me a few moments to realise what this voice was saying…it was explaining my slave status to me and what i must do to please You, my Master…i was being programmed!!!…a series of commands that seemed to continue without end, repeating randomly to a predefined format…even as i struggled to maintain control of my mind, i knew i was lost………

………for the next two weeks i remained imprisoned in Your steel chair, encased in rubber from head-to-toe, and in complete bondage. i drifted in and out of consciousness while the instructions worked on my subconscious mind, altering it to Your needs. The computers programming modified itself so gradually, so that i hardly noticed the effect it was having on my thought processes. As time moved slowly on, the commands became more and more specific as to what was expected of me and how i was to behave. Food was pumped directly into my stomach, while waste fluids were removed through the tubes in my arse and the suction machine on my cock; i also reached orgasm countless times by way of the suction stimulation. The computer regulated the mixture of oxygen, helium, nitrous oxide, and other gases that i breathed, as well as controlled the suit’s heating system, which determined how much i was to sweat and for how long. It also monitored my vital statistics, while providing electrical shock-stimulation via sensors next to my skin and contained within the suit.

By the end of my 14 day ordeal, my mind had become conditioned to think like the perfect slave. You had succeeded in taking complete control of my mind. When You finally released me from the chair, disconnected the tubes, and peeled the rubber suit from my shaking body, i used what little strength i had to fall at Your feet and lick Your boots. For the next few months, You worked every part of my body with bondage and torture so as to condition it so as to provide You with maximum pleasure.

Tonight is to be my final graduation ceremony. i am to officially become a slave; Your slave! As i wait chained in Your dungeon for You to return, the thoughts of what You have planned for me go racing thought my head. You had said that tonight You would place Your mark on me…a very special mark…the mark of a true slave. i am to be branded with Your symbol on my right buttock and right pectoral muscle above my nipple. To all who might see this mark, i will be identified forever as Your property. The thought of being branded terrifies me, but i know it will please You, my Master, so i feel relief.

my story has come full circle now…the time has come…my chains rattle as i shift my position nervously on the hard rubber-covered floor…i hear the door to the dungeon being unlocked and Your booted feet on the stairs…i know that You are coming for me…to mark me…i know that tonight will be the beginning of the rest of my life…as Your slave…i am content…

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