Rubberasylum Story: Used Rubber Bondage Suit for Sale: $100.00

By asylum in Stories on January 8, 2024

It was late on Friday night, and I was still stuck at work, just bored to tears. I work security at a firm downtown and was asked if I could cover the second shift since Toby, my coworker, had called out sick.

Now I know that the nightshift is typically just being a body in a chair at the security desk, a presence to keep people honest, but as my shift was coming to a close in the next hour I was actually aching from the boredom of the day.

Fortunately I had my phone on me. I had spent most of my day chatting on twitter and reading the forums on Rubberzone, but my 10pm everyone on twitter had gone quiet, and I had already replied to all I could on the site.

Since there was nothing else to do I move on over to Craigslist to begin my daily futile search for gear. Living in a big city one would think that there would be gear all over, but it never seemed the case. In fact I was pretty disillusioned at the lack of stuff on here, and also from being tired, I decided to just take a direct approach tonight as I typed in one word.


I chuckled as I clicked on the search button. I knew better than to hope for anything better than the standard homemade or eBay crap, or at best copies of the novel “Of human bondage”, which I will tell you was a serious letdown of a read back when i was prepubescent and horny

But I digress…

The search came up before me with 51 results. I scrolled through the first page quickly, scanning the headers with very little interest.

It wasn’t until i clicked on “Page 2″ and saw what loaded up that the hum started in my groin. For as the final search result came up, it read:

“Used bondage Suit for Sale $100.00″

Clicking on the link, I tried not to get my hopes up. As the page loaded up and I read the description, my uniform began to fit a bit less comfortably:

Bondage suit, latex, good shape. We want this to go to a good boy who will appreciate it, hence the cheap price. Please send your stats and a picture in your email response.

I couldn’t type fast enough. I feared that since it was the last result it was already gone, someone had gotten to it long before me, but I was still willing to take the chance. I told the seller about me, my interests, my want to badly be invaded, bound, kept… Hehe, perhaps I gave too much information yet I was excited for my first opportunity to get my hands on a real latex suit. Even if it was most likely gone.

I attached a picture of myself that I had stored on my phone and I hit send. Over that next hour I must have refreshed my inbox 20 times just hoping to see a reply, but none came, and finally it was time to clock out.

With a sigh I locked up and headed out to my car for the long drive home. It was gone, I just knew it. I was too late, the story of my life.

By the time I pulled in to my parking place at my apartment, I was in a foul mood. i had thoroughly depressed myself on the drive home and I was just ready for a drink and bed. I called it an early night.

The next morning i drank my morning coffee at the computer like I always did. After i was done checking the websites for new messages i loaded up email to see if there was anything new, and just about spilled my coffee on myself when i saw the reply:

‘The suit is still available, and it seems like it would be a good fit for you. Be at the following address at 10am sharp if you are still interested.


He included an address as well. It was in a subdivision only 10 minutes away. I looked at the clock, it was 9:17, i had just enough time for a shower before heading out.

I arrived at the address 3 minutes before 10am and waited in my car to make sure i wasn’t early. Summoning up my courage, i walked up to the door and rang the buzzer.

The man that answered was quite handsome: Mid 40’s, slender and muscular. He had black hair with wisps of grey highlights. His steely eyes looked down on me, forcing mine to the ground. “Yes?” he asked.

“Uh,” I stammered in response, lost in the sweet scent of fresh sweat emanating off of him. “I replied to the Craigslist ad…”

“Oh, the car! Yes it’s in the garage…”

“No,” I replied, not sure if he was fucking with me or what, but I was starting to turn red and beginning to sweat. Did i have the right house? “I, uh… I’m here for the suit.”

“Suit? What suit?”

Oh god, I thought, either I really did have the wrong house, this is someone’s poor idea of a joke, or he was really going to make me say it. I was only turning redder as my cock started growing in my pants, causing a tent and leaving me fully vulnerable to this man. I hoped to god this was the right place.

Summoning up all the courage I had left, i breathed deeply, stared at the ground and replied quietly “The bondage suit.”

“Oh, that suit, well why didn’t you say so?” he chuckled as he set his hand on my back and led me in to his home. I could sense a playful evilness in that chuckle, which surprisingly put me a bit at ease. “As i said in the email, the suit seems like it would fit you well, and now that i see you in person, I am almost sure of it.”

Gary led me through the house and to a set of stairs that led to the basement “It’s down in the playroom, I shall want you to try it on first, of course.”

“Uh, what?” I replied halting in my tracks half way down the stairs.

“Well of course,” he chuckled, “You don’t expect me to sell this to just anyone do you? This suit belonged to my former boy, I will not see it in the hands of some eBay asshole who just wants to make a quick buck. Either I get to see that you shall honestly appreciate it or you move on. Understand me?”

“Yes Sir” is what slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it, which only cause my stammering and blushing to kick right back in to full swing, “Uh… I mean…”

Gary just laughed as he continued leading the way down in to the basement, where we came to a stop in front of a door. “Next stop, my playroom, you ready for this?” he asked as he pulled out a key, unlocked and opened the door towards me.

The Truth was no, I wasn’t ready for it. For the room that spread out before me was something that I had only seen the likes of online. Suits, restraints and hoods all covered the walls surrounding a bed in the center. I was mesmerized, dumbstruck in my tracks.

Gary just chuckled again as he grabbed me by the hand and led me to the bed in the center, where he reached down and picked up a mass of black rubber. “Here’s the suit.” he said as he dropped it in my arms, “Now strip!”

My gaze suddenly slammed back to the ground as the thought of stripping off in front of this man made my shy streak bubble to the surface, “I, um… Perhaps this isn’t a good idea, Gary, I uh, I do want the suit but, uh…”

I must have been the best entertainment he had had in a while as he just smiled and began chuckling again, “No worries,” he said as he patted me on the head and walked towards the door, “you shall find a pull-string on the zipper in the back, I’ll check on you in a bit.”

I smiled at him in reply, “Thank you Gary… Oh, and, uh, Gary…”

“Yes?” he replied, stopping in the doorway.

“It’s really none of my business, but you said this suit belonged to your former boy. Is he…”

“Naw,” he smiled, “He moved to Chicago. Personally I was hoping he’d go to hell instead.” as he closed the door I could hear that chuckle outside, growing fainter as he walked away. I just smiled and shook my head.

Looking down at the rubber suit in my arms, I wasted no time stripping down before undoing the zipper to look inside. It seems that he was nice enough to lube it up for me. So as I sat my naked ass on the edge of the bed all that was left to do was put it on.

As I slid my left leg down the slick latex of the inside of the suit, on its way to the attached bootie, I could feel my cock grow. Every touch of this material on my naked skin was sending waves of electricity down my spine and through my crotch. By the time my right foot found its home in the boot, I was at full mast.

I was breathing hard and dripping precum on his suit. My hand slipped to my cock as I began stroking it slowly, enjoying every wave of sensation.

I stopped myself just before I came. ‘No,’ I thought to myself, ‘I am here to buy a suit, it would be very presumptuous of me to jack off in his home.’

With that I directed my mind back at the task at hand as I pulled the suit up my body. I almost lost it as the touch of the sensuous material on my naked chest almost proved to be more than I could bare.

Taking a few deep breaths to slow myself down, I slid my arms, first one, then the other, in to their respective holes.

That was when I noticed I was going to have an issue. You see, rather than gloves attached to the ends of the sleeves, there were stiff rubber mitts, and once I worked my hands in to them I realized that I was not going to be able to put on the hood of the suit let alone zip it up.

Thinking for a moment, I decided to try to attack this a different way, and attempted to pull my right hand back out of the attached mitt only to find out I could not get the purchase to do that either. I was stuck, panic set in and I began to flail around in an attempt to get one of my hands loose from the tight grip of the latex cuff holding it firmly in the mitt.

Yet I only succeeded in wearing myself out. Finally I collapsed on the bed, panting, not sure what to do next.

It was then I heard it, a light giggle. I looked up only to see Gary standing in the doorway rubbing his crotch through his pants. “You appear to be having some troubles there.” he chuckled

“Uh, yeah.” I replied a bit irritated from finding myself trapped unable to even wipe the sweat from my brow.

“Would you finally like some help then?”

I looked up at his smiling face, and it put me at ease. I began to giggle at myself, I must have looked pretty stupid flailing around in this suit. “Yeah, sure, I seem to be kind of stuck.”

Gary motioned for me to stand up and turn around so my back was to him. “Well, they don’t call this a bondage suit for nothing.” he said as he pulled the latex around behind me and started the zipper up my back; “If you could get out, what would be the fun in that?”

For some reason that statement made my cock stand at attention again. Gary then reached around me for the attached hood, stopping for a moment to rub his hands across my chest and tweak my nipples a few times. My heart began to race, and my breathing hastened as my cock strained to free itself from its rubbery confines.

“Open wide.” He commanded.

“Wait, wha…” I tried to reply, only to be cut off by the gag that slid in to my mouth as he pulled the hood up. The gag was large and sat deeply flattening my tongue to the floor of my mouth. There was a hole in the center of it I could breathe through, in fact it was the only hole in the hood, for as the zipper found its way to the end of the track at the crown of my head, I was thrown in to darkness.

“There we go, almost done.” he said as he shoved me forward, where I landed on the bed. Before I could even make a defensive move, he was on top of me. I should have thought about the implications of going in to the playroom with a man that could overpower me, as overpower me he did.

Gary rolled me over on my back, and one by one he locked my wrists and ankles in to restraints at each corner. “There, see? I told you this suit would fit you well.”

He sat on my legs as his hands found their way to my crotch, “In fact, you look so good like this, I think a trial run is in order.” with that he reached through an attached cockring on the suit, that i overlooked before, and yanked my junk through, none to gently. I yelped in pain and protest in to the gag but flopped my head against the pillow in frustration as i could feel the traitor between my legs growing to meet his touch.

Gary crawled off of me and walked away. I could hear the door to the playroom open as he called back to me “…and by trial run, I don’t mean in that suit, i mean as my property.”

I thrashed against my restraints at the sound of this, and called him every name in the book I could think of, Yet with the gag in my mouth it most likely came out as a garbled mess, as I heard Gary chuckle once more as he closed and locked the door.

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